Quiénes somos



About us

Historically indigo was a blue dye that was obtained from tropical plants and was a primary coloring matter.

We at Indigo Growers believe it is of primary importance to respect the gentle balance of nature, creating a sustainable process in order to have consistency in our products.

Indigo Growers is located in a tropical climate, which allows us to nurture our produce in a stable enviroment to obtain the best quality and flavor possible year round.
The indigo blue is a reminder of the water thats bring life not only to our greens but to all of us through the beautiful art of growing our greenhouse tomatoes and peppers.
In the 1990s arose the concept of indigo children who are belived to possess special and unusual traits thought to be the next stage in human evolution being more empathetic and creative.
We at Indigo Growers believe in treating our costumers unusually special and going to the next stage not only in service but in quality and consistency.

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